PR2 | Academic Resilience Stories from Ukraine | i-strategies |
Task 1.1 | partners interview during the Offida meeting | i-strategies |
Task 1.2 | thematic and technical guide to conducting interviews shared with project partners | i-strategies |
Task 1.3 | project partners will collect interviews about university life in a war context | all partners |
Task 1.4 | video editing with subtitles in English and Ukraine | i-strategies |
Task 1.5 | Academic Resilience Stories from Ukraine publication | i-strategies |
Task 1.6 | data collection for documentary dissemination | all partners |
Task 1.7 | each partner will organize a public projection of the documentary film (6 events) | all partners |
Task 1.8 | Academic Resilience Stories from Ukraine dissemination | all partners |
PO1 | “Academic Resilience Stories from Ukraine” documentary subtitled in English and Ukraine | |
PR3 | Psychological support for students who escaped from the Ukrainian | University of Helsinki |
Task 2.1 | Implementation of the Psychological support for students who escaped from the Ukrainian at the University of Helsinki | University of Helsinki |
Task 2.2 | Data collection from the Psychological support for students who escaped from the Ukrainian at the University of Helsinki | all partners |
Task 2.3 | Data collection from Ukrainian project partners | Ukrainian partners |
Task 2.4 | first draft of the digital handbook “Socio-psychological support for Universities students: a best practice from Helsinki University” released |
University of Helsinki |
Task 2.5 | 1st level of assessment of the first draft of the digital handbook by project partners | all partners |
Task 2.6 | the first draft of the handbook is discussed and approved by project partners during Helsinki meeting | all partners |
Task 2.7 | finalization of the handbook | University of Helsinki |
Task 2.8 | elaboration of the digital handbook graphical identity | University of Helsinki |
Task 2.9 | The handbook is translated and published | all partners |
Task 2.10 | Handbook disseminated | all partners |
PO2 | Socio-psychological support for university students at Helsinki University + Digital Handbook on “Socio-psychological support for universities students: a best practice from Helsinki University” translated in five languages: Finnish, English and Ukranian. | |
PR4 | Manual for implementing a university psychological help service for students | Riga Technical University |
Task 3.1 | preparation of the digital handbook “Manual for Implementing a University Psychological Help Service for Students.” | Riga Technical University |
Task 3.2 | Data collection | all partners |
Task 3.3 | the first draft of the digital handbook “Manual for Implementing a University Psychological Help Service for Students” released | Riga Technical University |
Task 3.4 | 1st level of assessment of the first draft of the digital handbook by project partners | all partners |
Task 3.5 | 2nd level of assessment of the first draft of the digital handbook by external experts | external experts |
Task 3.6 | the final version of the handbook is discussed and approved by project partners and stakeholders during the Riga meeting | all partners |
Task 3.7 | elaboration of the digital handbook graphical identity | Riga Technical University |
Task 3.8 | The handbook is translated and published | all partners |
Task 3.9 | Handbook disseminated | all partners |
PO3 | Digital handbook “Manual for Implementing a University Psychological Help Service for Students” translated into three languages: Latvian, English and Ukrainian |