6.030509 Accounting and Auditing

  • Дата оновлення: 29.02.2016

Training field 6.030509 Accounting and Auditing

Qualification granted

Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing

Qualification level

Bachelor (first cycle of higher education)

Special admittance requirements

None, admittance is conducted on the general admittance conditions

Special regulations on recognition of the previous education stages (formal, informal, non-official)


Programme profile:

The main objective of training of a Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing is the making of a professional who is enabled to work in the following areas: companies, banks, insurance companies and other non-bank financial institutions, funded organizations.

The General amount of the Curriculum is 240 ECTS.

Key results of training

A Bachelors of Accounting and Auditing get practical abilities and skills in the subject sphere:

– Ability to account and assemble financial statements of companies and organizations of various types of business and ownership;

– Ability to analyze companies` economic activity;

– Ability to organize accounting staff in companies;

– Abilities and skills of planning and conducting internal audit;

– Abilities and skills of planning and conducting external audit;

– Abilities and skills of systematic economic analysis of industrial and commercial activity, evaluation of the financial situation of companies and organizations;

– Abilities and skills of planning, coordination of companies’ financial activity;

– Ability to implement financial, budgetary and bank control in public and private companies;

– Ability to use modern information systems in accounting.

A Bachelor is involved into the following kinds of scientific research:

– economic mechanisms of accounting and auditing;

– methods of economic analysis;

– organization accounting staff in companies;

– planning, coordination of companies’ financial activity etc.

Professional profiles of graduates with examples

A Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing according to his or her fundamental and special training can perform the following kinds of professional activities:

  • accounting;
  • auditing;
  • analyzing;
  • financial planning;
  • financial controlling;
  • management companies’ financial activity.

Access to further education

A Bachelor of the field “Accounting and auditing” eligible to proceed to the second cycle of the higher education (degrees – Specialist, Master) in major/specialty “Accounting and auditing”: Specialist –10 month training following a Bachelor’s training program, Master – 18 months training following a Bachelor’s training programme.

Regulations on examinations, assessment and marks/grades

Regulations on current module and final assessment of students’ knowledge in credit-module system of training organization.

Graduation requirements

The completed training programme of 240 ECTS, passing the final state exam in Accounting and auditing.

Form of training

Day (full-time)

The Director of the Programme or the assigned official

Maksym Slatvinskyi – Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Economic Security.

Scheme Curriculum for Bachelor’s Degree in the Training Field “Accounting and auditing”

Structural-logical scheme for the bachelor`s degree training course 6.030509 Accounting and Auditing

Description of individual course units

ПМ_6_ОНД.01_4 Professional Ukrainian Language
ТМФВ_6_ОНД.02_4 Physical-Education
ІКМНГД_6_ОНД.03_4 History and Cultures of Ukraine
ІМ_6_ОНД.04_9 English
ІУ_6_ОНД.05_4 Philosophy
ІУ_6_ОНД.06_3 Politological and social sciences
УЛМН_6_ОНД.07_3 Ukrainoznavstvo
ТТДОПБЖД_6_ОНД.08_4 Health and Safety Studies
МУБ_6_ОНД.09_3 IC Technologies
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.10_5 Economics
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.11_6 Microeconomics
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.12_6 Macroeconomics
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.13_4 History of Economics
ВМТМНМ_6_ОНД.14_4 Higher mathematics
ВМТМНМ_6_ОНД.15_4 Theory Probability and Mathematical Statistics
МУБ_6_ОНД.16_4 Optimization Methods and Models
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.17_4 Econometrics


Fundamentals of automatization in the Industry:

Computer Science

Automation in a branch (1 level)

ЕСПД_6_ОНД.19_4 Business Economics
МУБ_6_ОНД.20_4 Management
ФОЕБ_6_ОНД.21_10 Accounting
ФОЕБ_6_ОНД.22_4 Money and credit
ФОЕБ_6_ОНД.23_4 Finance
МУБ_6_ОНД.24_4 Marketing
МУБ_6_ОНД.25_4 Labor Economics and Labor Relations
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.26_4 International Economics
МУБ_6_ОНД.27_5 Statistics
ЕСПД_6_ОНД.28_4 Regional Economics
ФОЕБ_6_ДВФ.01_6 Audit
ФОЕБ_6_ДВФ.02_5 Managerial Accounting
ФОЕБ _6_ДВФ.03_5 Accounting in Banks
ЕПСПД_6_ДВФ.04_4 Reporting of Companies
ФОЕБ_6_ДВФ.05_4 Accounting in Funded Organizations
ФОЕБ _6_ДВФ.06_6 Financial Accounting
ФОЕБ _6_ДВФ.07_4 Business Analysis
ЕСПД_6_ДВФ.08_3 Law Studies
МУБ_6_ДВФ.09_3 Business Ethics and Etiquette
ФОЕБ_6_ДВФ.10_4 Automatization of Economic Processes (II level)

