8.050107 Economics of enterprise

  • Дата оновлення: 11.02.2016

Specialty 8.050107 Economics of enterprise

The qualification that is assigned

Master of business Economics

Skill level

Master (second cycle of higher education)

Special requirements for admission

No, enrolment is held on General terms of entry

Special regulations (conditions) on recognition of prior learning

(formal, non-formal, informal)


The profile of the program

Students gain the necessary knowledge and practical skills in the following areas: financial management, personnel management, strategic enterprise management, project management, economic diagnostics, management of potential of enterprise, international management, management of enterprises, the study and examination of business projects, management of anti-crisis activities of enterprises, management of competitiveness of the enterprise.

The degree programme is 90 ECTS credits, including compulsory disciplines – 31 credit, discipline selection of the Institute – 19 credits, subjects of free choice of the student cluster 1 – 28 of credits, subjects of free choice of the student cluster 2 – 28 credits, practical training – 12 credits.

Key learning outcomes

Masters in business Economics is capable of performing organizational-administrative and information-analytical work in the following areas:

  • the choice of methodology of analysis of the enterprise as system, development and processing of its procedures;
  • diagnostics of competitive environment of the enterprise;
  • analysis of resources, processes and results of the company;
  • development of General and functional strategies of the enterprise;
  • develop long-term and current plans of the company;
  • the organization of processes of management, economic decision-making and control over their implementation;
  • organization of business contacts of the enterprise with the external environment;
  • development of effective systems of motivation and remuneration of staff;
  • monitoring the results of the company and its subsidiaries;
  • monitoring the status of the company and its market position;
  • preparation and provision of Advisory services relating to the activities of the enterprise;
  • organization of staff training;
  • teaching economic subjects in educational institutions;
  • justification of topic and plans (projects) scientific research;
  • conduct scientific research.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Master specialty 8.050107 – “Economics of enterprise” is prepared to perform professional duties in one or more economic activities:

Financial activities: financial leasing; control and regulation portfolio of assets.

Real estate operations, services to legal entities: research and development in industry of Humanities and social Sciences (Economics, organization and management); market research and public opinion survey (the study of potential markets for the goods and services demand of the consumer); consultation on questions of commercial activity and management (providing advice and practical assistance to state and private enterprises and organizations in planning, organizational issues, leverage and control information for management; conflict resolution between management and employees); advertising (planning and implementation of advertising campaigns); other services, rendered to legal entities and are not related to other activities (evaluation of solvency and reliability of entities or persons; appraisal services).

– Public administration.

– Education: complete General secondary education (the teaching of the foundations of Economics); a professional technical education (teaching economic disciplines); higher education (teaching economic disciplines; scientific-methodical providing of training; adult education and other types of education (teaching economic disciplines and scientific-methodical support of educational process in educational institutions of postgraduate education).

– Collective, public and personal services: the organization of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (the activities of organizations whose members are interested mainly in the development of enterprises and associated with a competitive activity or profession).

Professional activity of master in business Economics at the primary positions is to perform business management functions, analytical research, rationale and making strategic and tactical decisions, the formation of the internal economic mechanism of enterprises, the effective functioning and development.

Access to further education

Master of science in field of study “Economics of enterprise” can continue training in postgraduate study on a competitive basis.

Regulations on examinations, assessment and evaluation

Temporary regulation “On credit-modular system of educational process organization in Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna”

Graduating requirements

Certification of quality of preparation of masters on economy of the enterprise in establishing actual compliance level of educational training to the requirements of the EQC is the State examination Commission in this specialty. Certification is carried out on the basis of the evaluation of the level of professional knowledge, abilities and skills of graduates by protecting the master’s work.

Form of training:

full, part-time

Program Director

Olexander Petrovych Kirdan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), the Dean of The department of economy and socio-behavioral sciences

Structural-logical scheme for the bachelor`s degree training course 8.050107 Economics of enterprise

Description of individual course units

ОНД.01 Global economy
ОНД.02 Social-Responsibility
ОНД.03 Innovative development of firms
ОНД.04 Intellectual-Property
ОНД.05 Intellectual business
ОНД.06 Economic managemet of enterprises
ОНД.07 Enterprise Competitiveness
ОНД.08 Management of projects
ДВФ.01 Academic-rhetoric
ДВФ.02 Civil-Defense
ДВФ.03 Business-English
ДВФ.04 Management of strategic changes
ДВФ.05 Economic diagnosis

