Новини інституту

Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

We invite You to participate in V International scientific-practical conference “Priorities of development of the national economy of Ukraine: strategy and prospects”, which will take place on 28 September 2015 in Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna Institute of Economics and business education. The main directions of the

We invite students from other countries

We invite students from other countries

We invite the foreign students to study at the Institute of economics and business education of Uman state pedagogical university named after Pavlo Tychyna in the following areas and specialties: Educational-qualification level “bachelor”: 6.140103 Tourism 6.030504 Economics of enterprise 6.030507 Marketing 6.030508 Finance and credit Educational-qualification level “master”: 8.03050401 Enterprise

Election of the President of student government

Election of the President of student government

On 18 September at the Institute of Economics and business education was elected the President of the student government. The event began with the report of the Deputy Director of Institute on educational work Natalya Kogan, who told about achievements of the student Council for the 2014-2015 academic year and

Creation of educational-scientific Institute of economics and business education

Creation of educational-scientific Institute of economics and business education

According to the order of the rector of Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna No. 546 o/b from 01.07.2015 year at the faculty of Economics was established the Educational-scientific Institute of economics and business education. The director appointed doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Olga Chirwa.Today the Institute of



The Fund Central European Academy Studies and Certification (CEASC), Poland, in cooperation with the University of computer science and Arts (WSIiU), Lodz, Poland and the Higher School of Economics (WSJ), Bydgoszcz, Poland, in the framework of the project BusinessWeek-2013 announce a set of participants weekly educational practice among students of

The “creative” day of humor at the faculty of Economics

The “creative” day of humor at the faculty of Economics

At the economic faculty of Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna was held the celebration of the Day of humor. In the framework of the activities planned for the holiday, lecturer N. Y. Kogan preparatory work on the formation of the Department of marketing and business management student

The festival ” Spring ring”: festival, fair, walking

The festival ” Spring ring”: festival, fair, walking

Students of economic faculty held a culinary fair “Spring ringing” in Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna. Festival-fair “Spring ringing” is a way not only to preserve the national identity of Ukrainians, but also for creative development and popularization of national rites. Traditionally during the festival on the

UITT “UKRAINE – Travel and Tourism”

UITT “UKRAINE – Travel and Tourism”

26-28 March 2014 in the exhibition area meters of Kiev took place the most important and large-scale event in the tourism industry of Ukraine – exhibition UITT “UKRAINE – Travel and Tourism”. Visitors of the exhibition had the possibility to communicate with professionals of the tourist market of the national
