Dear colleagues!

  • Дата публікації: 09.10.2015

We invite You to participate in V International scientific-practical conference “Priorities of development of the national economy of Ukraine: strategy and prospects”, which will take place on 28 September 2015 in Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna Institute of Economics and business education.

The main directions of the conference work:

  1. 1. Intellectualization of economy as a factor of innovative growth.
  2. The financial sector of Ukraine in the provision of innovative economic growth.
  3. Priority areas of market reforms: economic and social context.
  4. Strategy for socio-economic development of rural areas.
  5. Strategic directions of marketing activity in conditions of market economy.
  6. Efficient and quality management as one of the priorities of national economic development.
  7. The quality management.

Working languages of conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

To participate in the conference should send:

– article (named № of the chosen direction and the author’s name, for example, 2Іschuk.doc);

– the application form for participation in the conference (sample attached);

– scanned copy of the receipt about payment of publishing services and the registration fee (under condition of direct participation in the conference).

The submission deadline is 22 September 2015.

For more information please call– 093 25 55 158 – Poberezhets Natalia Borysivna
