We invite students from other countries

  • Дата публікації: 05.10.2015

We invite the foreign students to study at the Institute of economics and business education of Uman state pedagogical university named after Pavlo Tychyna in the following areas and specialties:
Educational-qualification level “bachelor”:
6.140103 Tourism
6.030504 Economics of enterprise
6.030507 Marketing
6.030508 Finance and credit
Educational-qualification level “master”:
8.03050401 Enterprise Economics (economic activities)
8.03050801 Finance and credit (for specialized programs)
8.18010014 Financial Management-economic security
8.18010016 Business administration.
Today at the Institute of Economics and business education of Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna there are students from China, Uzbekistan, Russia, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Ghana, Turkmenistan, Israel, Armenia and other countries. It should be noted that every year the number of foreign students on the daily, correspondence, and preparatory departments is increasing.
Foreign students can use the University library Fund and participate in various cultural events. The training of foreign students occurs together with Ukrainian students.
When applying for training persons who make (represent) a document on education of foreign States (non-state sample), there is a mandatory procedure for recognition of documents on education, conducted by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine in established order.
All documents must be translated into Ukrainian (Russian) languages and notarized.
The conditions of the admission of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship.
1.The  Institute of Economics and business education Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna takes the training of foreigners and persons without citizenship who permanently reside in Ukraine and have the certificate of complete General secondary education.
2. The training of foreigners and persons without citizenship is carried out according to the Law of Ukraine “On legal status of foreigners”, The Ministry of education and science of Ukraine dated November 01, 2013,  N 1541 “Some issues of organization of recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and persons without citizenship”.
3. The reception of foreigners for study is carried out on the basis of:
– the international treaties of Ukraine;
– the national programmes;
– the contracts concluded by the University with the legal entities and individuals.
4. The foreigners who are granted by government scholarships for international agreements, national programs, other international obligations of Ukraine, are enrolled for training on the basis of directions of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine within the limits of the state order.
5. The foreigners of Ukrainian origin who have received training from officially registered Ukrainian national-cultural societies, upon entry into higher educational institutions of Ukraine on the above mentioned areas of training (specialties) have the same rights as the citizens of Ukraine.
When entering to other areas of training (specialty) the foreigners of Ukrainian origin have the same rights as the citizens of Ukraine.
6. The citizens of foreign countries who legally reside on the territory of Ukraine are received in the University on the basis of entrance examinations.
7. The foreigners must give to the admission Commission the following documents:
– A notarized copy of the document of education with the list of studied subjects and obtained marks (grades);
– A medical certificate confirming absence of diseases on HIV infection or a certificate of a medical institution on medical examination for HIV infection;
– A medical certificate of health confirming ability of training under conditions of the climate of Ukraine in the relevant educational institutions;
–A copy of passport, notarized.
– A copy of birth certificate, notarized.
– 8 photos of size 6 x 4 cm;
– An invitation to learning.
The applicant must fill out the form to the appropriate model and present the certificate of completion of preparatory courses with an indication of the performance of the Ukrainian language (on condition of not knowing Ukrainian or Russian language).
8. The acceptance of documents from foreign citizens and the admissions process are held within the period from 25 August to 15 November 2015.
9. International students are guaranteed the rights and freedoms stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.

The training surcharge:
Educational-qualification level

Day-time form of training     Extramural studies
Bachelor                                             20 thousand UAH.          15 thousand UAH.
Specialist                                            22 thousand UAH.         19 thousand UAH.
Master                                                23 thousand UAH.          20 thousand UAH.

Educational-scientific Institute of Economics and business education of  Uman state pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna sincerely invites the foreign students!

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