8.18010016 Business Administration

  • Дата оновлення: 13.03.2016

Speciality 8.18010016. Business-Administration

Given Qualification:

Master of Business-Administration.

Level of qualification:

Master’s degree (higher level of university education).

Special Requirements as for entering

Not found. The entrance is held on general conditions

Special positions (conditions) about the acknowledgement of former education

(formal, informal, unofficial)

Not found

Program profile

Students get necessary knowledge and practical skills in the following spheres: Strategical Management, Financial Management, Personnel Management, Operational Management, Informational Systems in Management, Registration Management, Marketing Management, Business-Planning, Brand-Management, Business-Training, (Business-Case), Business-Administration, (Introduction to the course), Business Ethics, Communicative Management, Bsiness of International Economic Organizations, International Business Management.

General term of the curriculum is – 90 ECTS credits, including compulsory courses – 50 credits, courses of institution’s choice – 13 credits, courses of free student choice – cluster 1 – 15 credits, courses of free student choice – cluster 2 – 25 credits, practical preparation – 12 credits.

During the study students have practice at leading enterprises and institutions where they get professional skills with:

Key results of the study:

Masters of Business-Administration can do organizational-administrative and informational-analytical work:

  • system analysis of organization operation;
  • development of strategic tendencies of the development of the organization, providing competitive ability ;
  • planning and prediction of organization;
  • planning needs in material, financial, and working resources;
  • innovations development and realization;
  • process management organization;
  • preparation and making the management decision;
  • organization of the fulfillment of management decision;
  • organization of business contacts of the enterprises with outdoor environment;
  • quality and competitive ability of production management;
  • providing social protection of workers.

Master of Business-Administration is ready to work at:

  • Public financial service (tax administration, control-auditing management, treasury warrant);
  • bodies of public administration;
  • investment and insurance companies;
  • enterprises, institutions and organizations of different property categories;
  • financial and credit, banking institutions;
  • dealer and broker firms;
  • stock exchange and others.

Specialists of Business-Administration can work:

  • on executive clerk position of central government authority;
  • on executive clerk position in the sphere of national administration and local government;
  • as the director of higher and average spheres of management at different property categories;
  • lecturer and research worker of higher seducation;
  • tutor in the sphere of business-structures of different levels management.

The access to further education

Master’s Degree “Administrative Manager” can get postgraduate study on competitive basis.

Statute about exams, assessment and estimation

Temporal statue ‘About Credit-Module System of organization of educational process at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University’.

Demands for graduation

Certification of the quality of the preparation of Master of Business-Administration is realized by State Examining Board of this speciality. Certification is realized under the estimation of the level of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the graduates who write master’s theses.

Form of Study:

Full time and part time study

Director of the program

Olga Grygorivna Chyrva – C.E.S., senior lecturer, Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Management.

Structural-logic circuit training seekers of higher education specialty 8.18010016 «Business Administration»

ОНД.01 Academic-rhetoric
ОНД.02 Civil protection and labour protection in
ОНД.03 Business foreign language
ОНД.04 International Economics
ОНД.05 Economics
ОНД.06 Accounting
ОНД.07 Management
ОНД.08 Marketing
ОНД.09 Financial management
ОНД.10 Personnel management
ОНД.11 Operational management
ОНД.12 Managerial accounting
ОНД.13 Business planning
ОНД.14 Economic legislation
ДВФ.01 Applied statistics
ДВФ.02 Brand management
ДВФ.04 Information systems in management
ДВФ.06 Marketing management